
SoGEA: The latest technical acronym; that’s not to be ignored!

Despite it’s ridiculous name, ‘Single Order Generic Ethernet Access’ or SoGEA as it’s more commonly known, is a great leap forward in Internet connectivity that’s worth noting.


Currently most homes and businesses connect to the Internet using a phone line overlaid with a broadband service. Xiria, like most Internet Service Providers (ISP’s), bundle these two services together, and it has largely been delivered in this way since we moved from the old days of dial-up.


The good news is, despite its ridiculous name, SoGEA was introduced to eliminate the need for a phone line as most people use an IP-based solution such as VoIP for phone calls or have made the transition to the vast array of video platforms. Combine that with the advancement in the delivery of full fibre across the nation, and the cost effectiveness of mobile, simply means there is less requirement for the trusty old phone line.


While SoGEA won’t make a huge difference to the overall price of your broadband, it does speed up the installation process, often delivers greater speeds compared with your current service, and faster response times to addressing faults, which once attracted premium costs.


If you are considering a change to your broadband, or your current provider hasn’t spoken to you about the benefits of SoGEA, reach out to the team at Xiria for more information.